Thursday, March 14, 2013

Surf and Catamaran!

Day  5 in Hawaii
Today as all the other days the weather was supposed to be sunny and warm, like you imagine Hawaii would be any day. We didn’t get our hopes up because the bad weather experiences earlier in the week, but today we were proved wrong, and got a chance to see Hawaii at it’s best. The weather was amazing!
We started the day out with learning how to surf by the local surf instructors. It was a huge success, except some bad sunburns. The surfing was a lifetime experience, there were not a lot of people that had been surfing before, and for most people it probably the first and only time they will surf in Hawaii. After the surfing lessons we got a chance to pick up some lunch before we headed out on a catamaran to enjoy the ocean and spot its beautiful and rare creatures. The sea turtle was a big hit!
In the evening we got some free time to relax shop and get some more tan, before we went out for pizza. All in all it was a good and sunny(finally) day at the beach, that ended up with sore muscles(surfing is a good lessons) and a good tan(if you look away from the sunburns.)
Love and goodnight from Hanna and Hanna, Norway.

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